Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Well, we have had full week with tubes in Jadon and Jordan's ears. The procedure went really well last Tuesday morning. We had to be there at 6:40 am & we were loading up in the car to go home by 9:00 am. My parents came in town for a couple of days to help, so they stayed with Jonathan. They were a big help and I am so glad they came. Jadon and Jordan were pretty much recovered by that same afternoon. Jadon has been covering his ears a lot - without all the fluid behind his ears, he can hear well and he is not used to that. Jordan has become so much more vocal in just this short week. The doctor said that his fluid was very thick and he should hear so much better now. So I am glad that we did it and am also glad that it is over and everyone is doing so well. Thank you God for protecting my children. Thank you for all your wonderful blessings! Thank you all for your prayers!


Michael Ann said...

Hey Lisa-

So glad that the tube surgery was a success and the boys are doing so much better! PE Tubes are one of the best inventions ever! I can't believe Carson & Jonathan are all graduated from preschool...I can remember us talking about whether we thought they were going to be boys or girls at Fuddruckers in Grapevine back in September 2002! How time flies...your boys are too cute.

Unknown said...

So thankful that all went well. I enjoy checking in on your blog to see what you all are up to!
Alison B.

Lynette Reeves said...

Jordan is looking so cute!!! As well as Mr Jaydon!! Hope everyone is feeling okay!!! Love you much

Sarah B said...

We are so glad to hear everything went so well! I remember when MaK had hers put in! What a difference such small things make! She walked for the first time the afternoon after she had hers put in. Her ears had thrown her balance off so much!
We miss you all!
Love to each of you!