Monday, July 30, 2007

More pictures of our sweet new baby Jordan.

Jordan Lucas Lee was born July 16, 2007 at 9:49 a.m. I was supposed to be induced on Friday, July 20. My Mom had changed her arrival date to Sat. July 14, because we decided to induce on the 20th. I am so very glad because if we had not chosen the 20th to be induced, Mom would not have been here when my water broke at 1:30 a.m. on that Monday morning. Labor went great and Jordan came into this world almost as easily as Jadon did. He did not hardly open his eyes for the first week. He is sleeping good and we are all adjusting to being a family of five. Today is my first day at home by myself with all three kids (and I am writing a bog, so I would say it is going well). My mom left this past Friday. She was more help than I could ever say - she was cleaning and washing clothes all the time, plus helping me with the kids. Jadon has had a hard time. We had a scare with him about 4 days ago. He awoke in the morning and could not walk. I was in tears and thinking the worst. We took him to the doctor and they ran test and x-rays. They determined that a virus had settled in his hip. He is much better today. I have been praying constantly about the health of my children these past few days. It is a true blessing to have healthy children. I feel so blessed to have three beautiful healthy boys. I pray that I will raise them each to be faithful and to love the Lord with all their hearts. I pray that they all (and myself and Jesse included) do not put our hope in the things of this world, but that our hope and goal is heaven. Since the scare with Jadon, Jesse and I have been talking a lot about that. We do not want our family to live for this world or our earthly bodies, but we want to be a family that lives for eternity - not getting caught up in worldly desires. Thank You Lord for Jesus. Thank You that we have heaven to look forward to. Thank You for our sweet Jordan, Jadon, and Jonathan - may we know that they are Yours and raise them to love You. Thank You.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

We were having a nice and quite morning this morning. I was checking e-mail and the boys were outside playing with a bug that they had captured. I can always hear them and see them out the window. I noticed that things were a little too quiet so I went to the door to check on them. I found Jonathan with mud on his hands and putting the mud on Jadon's eyes. Sweet Jadon was just standing there with his eyes closed letting Jonathan rub the mud on his eyes. I immediately told Joanthan to stop and asked him why he was putting mud on Jadon's eyes. Jonathan told me that he was healing the blind man (John Chapter 9). Trying not to laugh I told Jonathan the he is not Jesus and Jadon is not blind and to please not put anything in Jadon's eyes. Then I went and got the camera. I love my job.

Monday, July 09, 2007

I had never thought about how awful it would be to be nine months pregnant and get sick at the same time - until this past weekend. I am 37 weeks along and this weekend started to not feel so great (besides being so uncomfortable from being pregnant). I started running a fever on Saturday along with the whole sore throat and cough. Jesse took me to a quick clinic on Sunday morning - I have an infection and they gave me antibiotics. So hopefully I will be better soon. I would not wish this on anyone. My sister Lori was visiting and helped out so much - I am not sure how we would have made it without her! Thanks Lori & Skyler & Beth! We are alittle over two weeks away from the induction date. So I am praying that I fully recover and that no one else in my family catches this so we can all be healthy when Jordan arrives!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Jonathan has officially learned to ride his bike without his training wheels! He is getting so big! This was only his fourth time out with Jesse trying to learn - and he is riding like a pro =)! We were so proud. Another milestone - we look forward to many more - what a joy kids are! So much fun!