Monday, February 18, 2008

Here are some pics of my boys before church this Sunday. I just cannot resist taking their picture when they are all dressed up!


Lisa Renee said...

LOVE the pics! Thanks for entertaining my tag- I love getting to know fun stuff like that. I am similar with the lotion especially out here in the desert!! I don't think I hardly ever used it before moving out west!

Michael Ann said...

you guys are all so cute! I love getting Carson and Cal dressed in coordinating/matching clothes! It's hard though to find cute coordinating clothes for boys I think. So those sweaters are really cute!

Sara said...

Your three boys are darlin'. So cute, love the pics. Please tell Jesse I said hello, it has been a long time!!

Mandy and Tim said...

I just caught up on your fun life! I think it is hilarious about the lotion and that you are that hot! I do the exact same thing with chapstick only mine is Burts beeswax. And I am proud to say that I did know about your curly hair. Your boys are so cute and I love how they match! Love you ~ mandy