Monday, July 09, 2007

I had never thought about how awful it would be to be nine months pregnant and get sick at the same time - until this past weekend. I am 37 weeks along and this weekend started to not feel so great (besides being so uncomfortable from being pregnant). I started running a fever on Saturday along with the whole sore throat and cough. Jesse took me to a quick clinic on Sunday morning - I have an infection and they gave me antibiotics. So hopefully I will be better soon. I would not wish this on anyone. My sister Lori was visiting and helped out so much - I am not sure how we would have made it without her! Thanks Lori & Skyler & Beth! We are alittle over two weeks away from the induction date. So I am praying that I fully recover and that no one else in my family catches this so we can all be healthy when Jordan arrives!

1 comment:

mandy casteel said...

Lisa! I love your blog! I just sat and read the whole thing. Your family is so sweet and I love all the stories and to hear all that is going on. I can't wait to see your new little boy ~ LOVE YOU ~ mandy