Saturday, October 28, 2006

Fall is one of our favorite seasons. I have been trying to explain to Jonathan just exactly what a "season" is. He asked me why the leaves on our tree in the front yard are turning red. I never realized that the different seasons is a hard concept, or for that matter the days of the week. Everything in Jonathan's world happened "last year". "Mama, remember when we ate that ice cream last year?" In realitity we ate the ice cream at lunch time. It is so sweet and cute. But back to the tree in the front yard. I have been watching it over the last week and thinking how pretty the colors of the leaves are. Jesse said today that it is the only tree on our street that the leaves are so pretty and bright red. We are not sure why. When we were in Virginia over the last four years, one of our favorite things to do was to drive out in the country and look at the fall colors. It was always so beautiful and I loved going. I have missed Virginia very much since we moved here. When Jesse brought it to my attention that we were the only tree on the block that had the bright pretty color it made me smile. God gave me a little (very little, the tree is not even a year old) piece of Virginia this week.

1 comment:

Ramona said...

I love what you wrote about the tree, what a perfect gift from above! And speaking of gifts, Happy Birthday :)!! Love, Ramona