Thursday, October 25, 2007

We are enjoying our fall so far. We have enjoyed almost a solid month of everyone being healthy! We are getting ready for next week. Jonathan has to wear a costume to school, so I asked him what he wanted to be and he said spiderman. Since we got the costume in the mail he has hardly taken it off! He loves it! We have never really celebrated Halloween before (just a personal preference for our family) - so getting to dress up is new for us. It has been fun to watch my two spidermen run around the house. We will go to church next week and trick or treat. We also painted pumpkins for Jonathan's pumpkin patch at school. We are having a good time.

This morning I was reading to Jadon and I just felt overwhelmed with how blessed I am. Even with little sleep, I realize how I am blessed with a life beyond what I ever dreamed I would have. Thank You God for my life.


JT said...

I was thinking about your sweet boys tonight. I knew your spidermen would be handsome! I love seeing them dressed up! Hannah was a gold fish but has been sick the past few days so we stayed in handed out candy. It was still pretty fun! I love seeing your boys!

Anonymous said...

I found you! Before I forgot your blogsite address, I had to look it up so that I would remember!! Would love to get together sometime soon... maybe this week?